Oshogatsu in Kurayoshi
We spent the New Years holidays, お正月 or o-shogatsu, with the friends Monica made in Kurayoshi, the city in which she taught English for three years. We made o-mochi, an ooey-gooey glutonous rice cake, made by mashing sticky rice with a big wooden mallot. It was fun.
We went to the ocean and, being true to form, I got too close and the icey waves soaked my pants. The arctic wind that frothed at the mouth as it dashed against the rocks made the cold about ten times colder. The remedy for my chill, as suggested by our host, was to put my feet in neer-boiling water heeted by the angry magama being pushed under the island. I kindly refused his offer, but he and others decided to take a dip with or without me. This hot spring, or 温泉 onsen, is quite popular because people bring eggs to hard boil while they cook their feet. The eggs had a slight taste of vinegar.