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19 September 2005

Inariyama Yogo Gakko, school for the disabled

I have the privilage of assistant teaching at three different schools, each with their own personalities, and each with great kids making Japan the great place that it is.

My third school, which I only visit about once a month, is a school for the disabled. In America, most schools have a special classroom designated for the special needs students. In Japan, however, all the special needs kids come from all over to go to special schools. I had the great privilage of associating with these eager learners and was touched by how quick they opened up to me and shared their love.

This is a picture of the elementary aged kids, all of them in wheelchairs, all of them quite developmentally delayed. All of them eager to smile and participate although they couldnt have understood a word I said.

In December, I will make two trips to Inariyama, where I have been invited to be Santa Claus. What an opportunity!


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